ephemeris.com |
ephemeris - Latin, originally from
the Greek "ephémeros, -on," daily. An almanac of the daily motions of the planets
and stars.
ephemeris.com - A website devoted to
information about time and motion in the universe.
Positions are based on JPL's ephemerides. JPL makes no claim
as to the accuracy or suitability of their ephemerides for any purpose.
ephemeris.com is not associated with JPL, but does use their publicly
available ephemerides.
Consult the
ephemeris.com online
for the Sun, Moon, major planets, Chiron, Quaoar, and Sedna.
You can also consult the
JPL Horizons
Ephemeris Generator for positions of the planets, asteroids, and comets.
JPL's planet positions are derived from their DE405 ephemeris. The software
section of ephemeris.com contains a free software package to read, write, and
interpolate DE405 (the world's most accurate planetary database), and any other
JPL planetary ephemeris. The software is available under the Lesser GNU Public
License, meaning you can use it anywhere, even in software you intend to sell.
Griffith Observatory Star Award
Griffith Observatory has awarded ephemeris.com their Star Award, "for
excellence in promoting astronomy to the public through the World Wide
Web." We are honored to be recipients of this prestigious award, and will
continue in our efforts to promote astronomy to the public. Thank you,
Griffith Observatory!
Copyright 2004–2019 Paul Hardy. All Rights Reserved.