Links |
Hubble Telescope | |
ephemeris - Latin, originally from
the Greek "ephémeros, -on," daily. An almanac of the daily motions of the planets
and stars.
ephemeris.com - A website devoted to
information about time and motion in the universe.
Welcome to our Links section.
If you would like to have your site linked, send mail to
Site Links
- Online astronomical photo gallery with high-resolution photos.
Astronomy Glossary - Online glossary on NASA's
James Webb Space Telescope website.
Astroweb - Links to astronomical
Internet resources, maintained by the AstroWeb Consortium.
Build Your Own Space Telescope - Simulator to design NASA's
James Webb Space Telescope on a $900 million budget.
Chandra X-Ray Observatory
- Chandra X-ray Telescop website at Harvard University.
- Observing conditions for
North America. Also allows astronomers to enter local conditions.
Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA)
- "To understand and protect our home planet, to explore the Universe and search
for life, to inspire the next generation of exploreers...as only NASA can."
Gear Trains
- Neat site with information on gear ratios
for building astronomical clock movements.
Griffith Observatory
- a Los Angeles landmark, non-profit institution dedicated
to astronomy and related education.
Griffith Observatory Sky Report
- online newsletter with information on the latest
Solar System happenings.
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
- News, research, events, orbital data.
Keppel Henge
- Modern-day megalithic monument, unique sundial, and
photograph of the Sun's analemma pattern.
Lunar and Planetary Institute
- NASA-affiliated site on "the nature, origin, and history
of our Solar System."
Max-Planck-Institut für
extraterrestrische Physik
- Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (German and
Max-Planck Institute, Galactic Center Information
- Research Articles, News on the Galactic Center.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Links to news from space, photos, educational materials, and events.
Observation Homepage - Latest information on visible comets.
NASA National Space Science Data Center DGRF/IGRF Model
- Calculate magnetic compass deviation, 1945-2005.
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- Research, News, Educational Information.
nineplanets.org - A site
with tons of information about the Solar System.
The Salopian Web
- Loads of links on astronomy, space, amateur radio, and satellites.
San Jose Astronomical Association
- Events in the San Jose area, and astronomical news in their
The Science Lab -
Astronomy resources - an easy to use directory of Astronomy related
The Shallow Sky - A site on
observing the Solar System.
Spacetech's Orrery
- The Solar System in Action (Solar System info, Orrery software, and more).
SpaceWeather.com - Science news
and information about the Sun-Earth environment.
Star Child - A NASA educational website for the young astronomer,
with lesson ideas for teachers.
We're adding to this site constantly.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please send email to
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